Tuesday 13 March 2012

And Finally

Preview tomorrow night. things to sort out before 6pm:
-Get amp and speakers from Ben Hughes who is kindly lending us some equipment.
- Print this blog off to be displayed in the space
-Make up fanzines
-Buy more wine and beer, ice, table cloth and nibbles
-Install T.V and projector for both films
- Display Anna's sculptures
- Put up posters/ give out flyers
-Loads more, at the minute unknown, final prep bits and pieces.

This has been a real eye opener for me, getting the experience of setting up an event, working closely with artists away form Uni, sorting out funding and advertising and all the other stuff that generally people don't think about. I never knew how much work would be involved, I'm not complaining as its a great opportunity for us 2nd years, tough I would say that don't think about doing something similar unless your extremely well organised. 

A quick thanks to Lise Autogena who set up the initial meetings, Will Strong and Will Marshall for letting us use the space, and obviously to all the NewBridge artists involved, its been a hectic but great experience. Finally to those who have been following our progress over the last few weeks, CHEERS! especially those overseas, its amazing how a group of students can reach as far a field as Peru, Russia, the Ukraine, New Zealand, the U.S, Italy and all the other places the blog's been viewed. Keep a lookout for more news and possible future projects with similar themes.